Extended Open Enrollment Information

Due to the America Rescue Plan there has been a lot of changes to the current marketplace and existing ACA laws. Some of those changes are:

  • Increased subsidies are available which makes plans more affordable

  • New carriers back on the marketplace exchange

  • Plan choices & premiums have changed

  • New surprise medical bills protection will go in effect

  • Open Enrollment Dates have changed

  • The Federal open enrollment period for 2022 began Monday, Nov.1st & closes on Saturday, Jan. 15, 2022. 30 days more than years past.

    If you want coverage to start Jan. 1st 2022 you would need to enroll by Dec 15th of 2021. Between Dec 16th - Jan 15th plans would start Feb 1st. It’s important to understand that the marketplace exchange is a great option for a substantial amount of people, it’s not the only option. Health coverage should always be discussed with a licensed agent to be able to guide you in exploring all your coverage options. Reach out today to check to see if you qualify for savings based upon your income or qualify for medically approved private plans.


Inflation and why health coverage is more important than ever


Changes to 2022 Open Enrollment